Tools:Kaspersky: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen
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Version vom 4. März 2008, 23:12 Uhr
Sie können sich eine Testversion laden. In dieser ist im Wurzelverzeichnis ein Test-Lizenz-Key enthalten. Sie entpacken die Datei (z.B. mit dem MC) und kopieren dann den Lizenz-Key und kav4fileservers-linux- nach /home/tmp . Danach entpacken Sie noch dieses Archiv nach /home/tmp und können, wie unten beschrieben fortfahren:
Arktur:/home/tmp/kav4linux # ./ Installing the package Which directory do you want to install the configuration files in? [/etc/kav/5.0]:Enter The path /etc/kav/5.0 does not exist. Would you like to create it? [yes]:Enter Which directory do you want to install the binary files in? [/opt/kav/bin]:Enter The path /opt/kav/bin does not exist. Would you like to create it? [yes]:Enter Which directory do you want to install the contrib files in? [/opt/kav/contrib]:Enter The path /opt/kav/contrib does not exist. Would you like to create it? [yes]:Enter Which directory do you want to install the manual files in? [/opt/kav/man]:Enter The path /opt/kav/man does not exist. Would you like to create it? [yes]:Enter Webmin configuration file is not found. (probably webmin is not installed, or installed into non-default location.) Webmin ( is a web-based interface for system administration for various Unix utilites. If you install it, you'll be able to configure and use Kaspersky Anti-Virus through the web interface. If you want to use this functionality, but haven't installed webmin yet, you can safely type 'cancel' here, install webmin later and re-run this configuration script again (or use Webmin to install the module from directory /opt/kav/contrib/kavfs.wbm) If you have webmin installed in non-default path, please enter where webmin configuration file located? (type "cancel" for continue installation without webmin). [cancel]:Enter Kaspersky Anti-Virus requires license keys (*.key) to work. If you don't have any license file, read the documentation how to get them. Please enter directory which contains Kaspersky Lab license key files (type "cancel" for continue installation without license installation.) [cancel]:/home/tmp Installing license file 0007363A.key ****************************************************************************** Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Mail Servers configuration completed. Binaries were installed in /opt/kav/bin directory Configuration file is /etc/kav/5.0/kav4unix.conf We recommend to add this directory in your PATH environment variable. To access the man pages add the /opt/kav/man path to the MANPATH env variable To start using Kaspersky Anti-Virus you should download latest AV bases; to do this run /opt/kav/bin/kavupdater. Also if you're behind the proxy and want to update from Internet, you should set environment variables http_proxy and/or ftp_proxy (see wget manual pages) To enable mail server protection, restart your mail system as written in product documentation. Arktur:/home/tmp/kav4linux #
Die Virensignaturen sind nicht mit im Archiv enthalten, die muss man sich erst von der Kaspersky-Updateseite herunterladen, oder probiert gleich den "Updater" aus. Ich habe mir das cumulative Archiv geholt und alle enthaltenen Dateien nach /var/db/kav/5.0/kav4unix/bases kopiert - und schon kannte ich scannen. In dem Testversions-Archiv ist auch ein deutsches Handbuch im pdf-Format enthalten.
Das Programm lässt sich nur aus seinem Verzeichnis heraus starten! Die Konfigurationsdatei liegt in /etc/kav/5.0
Aufruf: /opt/kav/bin/kavscanner [pfad]
Hilfe: /opt/kav/bin/kavscanner -h
Programm: /opt/kav/bin/kavscanner
Siganturen: /var/db/kav/5.0/kav4unix/bases
Update: /opt/kav/bin/kavupdater
--JFiebig 11:55, 23. Jun 2005 (CEST)