Entwicklungsumgebung/Dateiliste/common-account: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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<source highlight="1-7" lang="text">
<source highlight="9-12" lang="text">
  account [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so
  account required                   pam_ldap.so
# /etc/pam.d/common-account - authorization settings common to all services
  account required                   pam_permit.so
# This file is included from other service-specific PAM config files,
# and should contain a list of the authorization modules that define
# the central access policy for use on the system.  The default is to
# only deny service to users whose accounts are expired in /etc/shadow.
#account required pam_unix.so
account [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so
account required pam_ldap.so
account required pam_permit.so

Version vom 9. Juli 2009, 19:04 Uhr

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<source highlight="9-12" lang="text">

  1. /etc/pam.d/common-account - authorization settings common to all services
  2. This file is included from other service-specific PAM config files,
  3. and should contain a list of the authorization modules that define
  4. the central access policy for use on the system. The default is to
  5. only deny service to users whose accounts are expired in /etc/shadow.
  6. account required pam_unix.so

account [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so account required pam_ldap.so account required pam_permit.so </source>

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